
Group Training

Basic to Advanced Obedience, Tricks, Fitness and more!


IMportant general information

All our classes and workshops are small groups ( no more then 8 dogs).

Group classes are set dates/times with no makeups and run on consecutive weeks (i.e. all every Sunday @ 4 for 5 weeks.)

You can buy the add on online videos that you will have access to for life if you would like


Bachelors - $ 190

This is the class for you to start with! This class is going to focus on teaching your dog (no matter their age!) the basics you need to accomplish all the other skills. Most people don’t realize that their foundations are shaky until they come to class and realize its not the walking skill that is the problem its an unfocused dog that’s the problem! 6 spots per class
Skill taught- wait, settle, stay, leave it, drop it, come, loose leash walking

Start dates: June 26 @ 6PM, August 8 @6pm

Masters- $190

Building on the skills from the Bachelors program this class is going to add a few new skills!

Skills- heel, wait with distractions, recall off food, leave it while walking, stand, body handling, stay with distractions out of sight wait

Start dates: June 23rd @ 5PM,August 7th @ 6PM


Doctorates - $ 190

The final level of C.L.A.S.S.

Skill Taught- Heel advanced, back up, advanced stay, advanced recall, undivided focus, proofing all behaviors


Start Date: Ph.D. June 23 @ 4PM, August 4 @ 5PM

Tricked out - $200

Lets get those trick dog titles!

Trick classes are divided into levels based on the AKC trick dog titles. (Click here)
Level 1- Novice and Intermediate
Level 2 - Advanced
Level 3 - Performer
Level 4 Elite Performer

*All dogs should have BA as a minimum*


Last Word Lassie - $220

Does your dog bark at every other dog or animal that they see? Are you being held hostage in your own home afraid of running into other animals outside? Well this class helps get you and your dog back on the road. This is a 6 session class, the first is strictly humans-only to teach you how to safely manage your dog in a class setting and answer all your questions. This 4 person group class gets you ready to take your dog to our bigger classes or just back in your own neighborhood. A short in person evaluation is required before joining this class.

4 spots

AKC Fit Dog Class - $ 250

This class is a great class to help work on your dog’s physical wellness. This class includes an evaluation by a Vet who specializes in rehabilitation and chiropractic care. After a clean bill a health we will work though a fitness plan to help your dog prevent injuries, prep for sports, weight loss, or just something fun you can do with your dog! Total of 7 classes


If you are looking for our seminars or workshops that we offer for both the average pet parent and vet clinics alike click the link below!

Seminars- Unless otherwise stated these are dog free events. Please leave your awesome pet at home so you can focus on the seminar

Workshops- These you are for you to bring your dog with you! These are sort of like small group classes that you attend with your dog so a trainer can help build your skills together!