
Private Training

For barking, biting, and more


Does your dog pull on leash?

Bark at other dogs?

Chewing your furniture?

Has your dog bitten people?

Are they biting other dogs or animals?

Wish you could walk your dog vs them walk you?

dream of the day where walks are peacefully?

Tired of the helpful redecorators?

hoping to host a peaceful family meal?

Do you just want peace in your house again?

You know your dog needs training but your schedule or their behavior makes attending group classes not an option.
Well our private training programs are here for you!

Start by booking a phone consultation with a highly skilled trainer today! This consultation help to match you to the personal program to match your wants and needs. This includes the option to mix and match our in person, virtual, and day training options to help you the best way possible.

Personalized Private Training Programs

With different training programs to help you with your dog’s personal problems, not cookie cutter programs shoved onto your dog. This helps make sure your goals, not the trainers, are met.

Full support

All our programs come with support to help you and your dog succeed, starting with a training bag filled with the tools you need to help train, email and phone support during and after, and lifetime support via our private Facebook group.


New for 2023 we are offering a foundation lesson if you are unsure how training would work for your dog and your family. This lesson will include a consultation, help setting up management for your family, writing the customized training plan as well as a few foundation behaviors to help get you started. If you sign up for the full program at the end of the lesson then the price of this foundation lesson is taken off the program price.